Author: anxietyLA

  • Sleeping Better in 14 Steps

    14 Strategies for Sleeping Better from PsychCentral. Here’s a good one: Stop trying. Many people try to force themselves to fall sleep, especially if they have insomnia. However, because sleep is a biological process, Siebern said that it can’t be forced. In fact, “oftentimes short-term strategies of ‘trying to achieve’ sleep may actually maintain insomnia…

  • Mindfulness Meditation

    Here’s a great collection of guided mindfulness meditation mp3s from UCLA’s Mindfulness Awareness Research Center. More than a little interested in mindfulness practice?  Mindfulness author Jon Kabat-Zinn is coming to UCLA on October 6th.

  • Parenting Risk

    Keeping Kids Safe From the Wrong Dangers.  Summed up: Parents tend to worry more about remote dangers (terrorists) than mundane ones (obesity, football). (NYT)

  • Stressed Spelled Backwards

    Dessert rack at Astro, Silver Lake:    

  • Anxiety Self-Help Pack

    Anxiety self-help pack posted by the University of Huddersfield. 106 pages worth of worksheets and info. Have at it!  

  • Busy Bodies, Happy Minds

    The L.A. Times looks as studies that say, “Feeling bad? Do something.” In several recent studies, social scientists have zeroed in on why paychecks alone can’t explain the link between work and well-being. The evidence shows that people can find meaning in seemingly insignificant jobs and that even trivial tasks make us far happier than…

  • Epigenetic Changes from Stress

    Chronic Stress Leaves Mark on Genes Chronic release of ordinary stress hormones may leave a long-term mark on the genome and influence the expression of genes responsible for mood and behavior, says a new study led by Johns Hopkins researchers.  These findings could eventually change how scientists and physicians explain and treat depression, bipolar disorder,…

  • Stress and Anxiety Lifestyle Changes

    Here’s a big page on stress and anxiety lifestyle changes from the New York Times.  The bullets:  Exercise, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Relaxation Techniques, Herbal and Natural Remedies.

  • Exercise v. Insomnia

    Drug-Free Sleep Aid A new study rediscovers an organic solution to insomnia — regular aerobic exercise is found to improve the quality of sleep, mood and vitality… (Psych Central)

  • Autumn Anxiety

    5 Ways to Manage Fall Anxiety.  The bullet points: 1. Pick a sound or object to be your Xanax. 2. Repeat: “I am good enough.” 3. Take it one minute at a time. 4. Pay attention to your breath. 5. Learn from it. (Psych Central)