Author: anxietyLA

  • What is Social Anxiety Disorder?

    Video from Health Matters:

  • Back-to-School Separation Anxiety

    Handling back-to-school separation anxiety Carrillo said a lot of times separation anxiety is caused by fear of the unknown. Parents may talk excitedly about kindergarten, but unless they explain what it’s all about, the child may be at a loss when they’re dropped off in their new classroom. (Visalia Times-Delta) That link died. Here’s another,…

  • L.A. Anxiety Reducer: Mindful Driving

    For anyone in Los Angeles (or any city), driving can be source of all manner of irritation–stress, anxiety, rage, and more.  One potential remedy:  Mindful Driving. First step: Turn off the radio, turn off the cell phone, set distractions aside. Multitasking and mindfulness aren’t a good fit. Next step: Focus on one thing. Notice your…

  • Status Anxiety

    Status anxiety (and the psychology of satisfaction) in five sections on You Tube.  Here’s part one:

  • Breaking the Anxiety Cycle

    Deepak Chopra details his three steps to breaking the cycle of anxiety: 1. Get out of your mind and back into your body. 2. Clear the fear response. 3. Calm the body into its natural state of relaxation. Details via the link. (San Francisco Chronicle)

  • College Anxiety on the Rise

    Mental Illness Among American College Students Growing 96% of students in 2009 who sought treatment met criteria for diagnosis with one or more mental disorder(s). The majority of them were diagnosed with mood and anxiety disorders, adjustment disorders, or problems linked to significant impairment in functioning. The researchers did not detect any significant class or age…

  • Therapy for Anxiety in Los Angeles

    Contact Anxiety Treatment L.A. for help with anxiety and stress.  Counseling and therapy with adults and teens, individuals and couples.  Offices in Los Feliz and Beverly Hills. Write or call (323) 739-4322.

  • Stress and Fertility

    Stress May Affect Chances of Getting Pregnant There is now scientific evidence to back up the widely held belief that stress can interfere with fertility.  Women in a newly published study were less likely to conceive when they exhibited higher levels of a stress-related enzyme known as alpha-amylase. (WebMD)

  • Heritable Anxiety?

    The Makings of an Anxious Temperament In the new study, published in the 12 August issue of Nature, Kalin and colleagues studied 238 young rhesus monkeys from a family of more than 1500 lab-raised monkeys with well-documented pedigrees. By analyzing the family connections among the young monkeys, which ranged from siblings to distant cousins, the researchers found…