Category: Articles

  • Anxiety Rising

    Anxiety is on the rise (in Australia): “In Scandinavian countries, the whole fabric of society – the welfare nets and public institutions – are much more geared towards keeping an adequate standard of living for all citizens, so that anxiety isn’t as high.”

  • Date-of Anxiety

    From PsychCentral, 8 ways to handle anxiety on anniversaries of emotionally-charged events.  Number seven: Return to the basics. Anxiety is often a clue for me to return to the basics of goodsleep hygiene, which means going to bed the same time in the same place with the same person and waking up at the same…

  • More Than Shy

    …could it be Social Anxiety?  A Q&A at The Friendship Blog. People with social anxiety feel like they are constantly being evaluated by other people and even may become viscerally uncomfortable in the presence of others. Given these uncomfortable feelings, it’s understandable that the person would try to avoid or escape from social situations, even…

  • Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction

    At PsychCentral, an interview with Jon Kabat-Zinn about mindfulness, MBSR, and his coming talk at UCLA, Wednesday, Oct. 6. Elisha: What does a daily mindfulness practice for someone as busy as you, look like? Jon: (Laughing) Well, what it looks like is my life. Because, basically what it all boils down to is, as I find…

  • 5 Steps to Stresslessness

    From msnbc:  Anxious? 5 ways you can be stress-free.  Here’s one: Take short mindfulness breaks “Even I get too busy to meditate,” says Jha. “Then I remember the Marines in the study calling my colleague while they were deployed to ask for mindfulness pointers, and I think, If they can do it in a war…

  • Tai Chi for Stress

    Jane Brody likes Tai Chi. The graceful, dancelike progression of meditative poses called tai chi originated in ancient China as a martial art, but the exercise is best known in modern times as a route to reduced stress and enhanced health. After reviewing existing scientific evidence for its potential health benefits, I’ve concluded that the proper question…

  • Orgasm Anxiety

    Article from Pamela Madsen at Psychology Today. “Orgasm Anixety” increases our stress, adds to worry – and can take us out of our bodies and into our heads – which of course will make climaxing more difficult and less enjoyable.

  • Coping with Social Anxiety Disorder

    Article about social anxiety disorder includes these tips for dealing with a panic attack: Sit upright, if possible – this increases the capacity of your lungs to fill with air. Control your breathing – breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth in a steady rhythm. Try to breathe out twice as long…

  • How Men and Women Sleep Differently

    WebMD looks at the why and what happens when insomnia hits a couples’ bedroom:  He Slept, She Slept: Sex Differences in Sleep. In many cases, resolving the sleep issues — which Garfinkel is often able to accomplish in six to 12 sessions of cognitive behavioral therapy — allows the couple to explore other issues that…

  • Why Can’t I Sleep?

    Six reasons from Psychology Today.  Here’s one: 3. Turning sleep into a job. It’s eleven PM, you have an important early morning meeting, you’ve got to wake at 5:30 to shower, put on make-up, rouse the kids and make their lunches so you better sleep every minute! Except often you don’t. Worrying about sleep, thinking about…