Category: Articles

  • School Refusal and Anxiety Disorder

    A look at both from the Wall Street Journal: “I Hate School” Extreme Edition. Anywhere from 5% to 28% of children will exhibit some degree of school-refusal behavior at some point, including truancy, according to Dr. Kearney, a leading authority on the behavior, and other experts. For kids with anxiety-fueled school refusal, the fear is…

  • Sleeping Better in 14 Steps

    14 Strategies for Sleeping Better from PsychCentral. Here’s a good one: Stop trying. Many people try to force themselves to fall sleep, especially if they have insomnia. However, because sleep is a biological process, Siebern said that it can’t be forced. In fact, “oftentimes short-term strategies of ‘trying to achieve’ sleep may actually maintain insomnia…

  • Parenting Risk

    Keeping Kids Safe From the Wrong Dangers.  Summed up: Parents tend to worry more about remote dangers (terrorists) than mundane ones (obesity, football). (NYT)

  • Stress and Anxiety Lifestyle Changes

    Here’s a big page on stress and anxiety lifestyle changes from the New York Times.  The bullets:  Exercise, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Relaxation Techniques, Herbal and Natural Remedies.

  • Autumn Anxiety

    5 Ways to Manage Fall Anxiety.  The bullet points: 1. Pick a sound or object to be your Xanax. 2. Repeat: “I am good enough.” 3. Take it one minute at a time. 4. Pay attention to your breath. 5. Learn from it. (Psych Central)

  • Anesthesia Anxiety

    Getting over anesthesia anxiety As many as one-fourth of Americans suffer from anesthesia phobia to the degree they may postpone surgery. And, because of a lack of understanding about anesthesia, more than 75 percent fear anesthesia during surgery… (Chicago Sun-Times)

  • Housebound

    Keith Ablow, MD:  Housebound: Paralyzed with Anxiety. Within the last six months, I have treated two patients whose visits to my office were among the very few times they had left their homes — in years. (PsychCentral)

  • CBT v. Social Phobia

    NPR looks at Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Social Phobia. Reporter Alix Spiegel profiles one patient — a woman we’ll call Judy Smith — who sought Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to help her deal with her social phobia. We spend time with Judy, show how the therapy works and find out why it helps her in ways…

  • Everyday Anxiety v. Anxiety Disorder

    Workplace Anxiety article from Science comes with this table: Everyday anxiety Anxiety disorder Worry about paying bills, landing a job, a romantic breakup, or other important life events Constant and unsubstantiated worry that causes significant distress and interferes with daily life Embarrassment or self-consciousness in an uncomfortable or awkward social situation Avoiding social situations for…

  • Anxiety Treatment Options

    Anxiety Treatments – What Will Work For You? Cognitive Behaviour Therapy is having great results. With this you are helped to become more self aware, learning what is happening to you whenever you experience anxiety. Through this self awareness, you will learn new behaviours, new ways of reacting to stress and pressure.. This works well…