Category: Studies
Exercise v. Anxiety and Depression
Another study, another confirmation: exercise reduces depression and anxiety. People who were not active in their leisure time were almost twice as likely to have symptoms of depression compared to the most active individuals, the study found…But the intensity of the exercise did not seem to make any difference.
Did you remember how you thought you were going to feel before reading this? People aren’t very accurate at predicting how good or bad they’ll feel after an event — such as watching their team lose the big game or getting a flat-screen TV. But afterwards, they “misremember” what they predicted, revising their prognostications after…
Friends for Health
A study says social support helps your overall health. We all know that to improve our medical health we should not smoke, exercise more and have better eating habits…Now, new research suggests psychological and social support can convey health protective values on par with the famous threesome.
Perception of Time Affects Stress
How you perceive time can affect your level of stress, a study says. “I actually didn’t find one single room in my school that didn’t have a clock. In India, clocks are not of such importance,” she noted, adding that cultural differences and attitudes toward time affect the way people manage time and deal with…
Anxiety and Surgery
The Los Angeles Times reports on a study that shows depression and anxiety interfering with healing after surgery. Why would depression and anxiety make a patient more vulnerable? The researchers offered several theories. Among them: Depressed patients don’t take as good a care of themselves, so when they go in for surgery, they may have…
Whatever Doesn’t Kill You…
…makes you stronger, says study. “Our findings revealed,” he says, “that a history of some lifetime adversity — relative to both no adversity or high adversity — predicted lower global distress, lower functional impairment, lower PTS symptoms and higher life satisfaction.”
Fight, Flight, Freeze
What an experiment with voles tells us about stress and anxiety (PsychCentral). “It’s not a question of being more or less afraid,” says Prof. Eilam. “Under threat, members of a social group will adopt a common behavioral code, regardless of their individual tendency towards anxiety.”
Meditation v. Anxiety and Depression in MS Patients
USA Today: Meditation reduces depression, fatigue, anxiety in MS patients Those in the meditation program, in fact, improved in almost all the measures of fatigue, depression, anxiety and quality of life, while those who received usual medical care declined slightly on most of the measures. For instance, those who took mindfulness training saw their depressive symptoms…
Personality and Exercise
Your personality may influence your interest in exercise (PsychCentral): If you have a high metabolism, you are more likely to have personality traits that will draw you to a five-mile run or a game of tennis. On the flip side, if you have a slow metabolism, the couch may look much more appealing to you…