Category: Studies
Anxiety and Birth Weight
Sad, Anxious Moms Have Smaller Babies, Study Says A new study has linked depression and anxiety to lower birth weight, and low birth weight is linked to a considerably higher risk of health problems. The study, conducted in Bangladesh, found that this connection between a mom’s emotional state and a baby’s size held true across economic…
Stress and Eating Disorders
Stress Triggers College Eating Disorders Common signs of an eating disorder include: A preoccupation with calculating calories, fat grams and carbohydrate grams A need to weigh oneself more than once a day Allowing the numbers on the scale to determine mood Exercising, skipping meals or purging after overeating Exercising to burn calories rather than for…
Falling for Fear of Falling
Fear of falling linked to future falls in older people Fear of falling is likely to lead to future falls among older people, irrespective of their actual fall risk…Fear of falling is common in older people and is associated with poor balance, anxiety, depression and falls. But the problem of irrational fear has been neglected…
Yoga vs. Anxiety
New study finds new connection between yoga and mood Researchers from Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) have found that yoga may be superior to other forms of exercise in its positive effect on mood and anxiety. The findings, which currently appear on-line atJournal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, is the first to demonstrate an…
Sex is Good Stress
Sex Is Stressful, But Good For You Just look at sex. It turns out that sex often triggers a large stress response, leading to a spike in glucocorticoid levels. The good news, though, is that this stress is good for us. While chronic stress normally leads to a dramatic reduction in neurogenesis, or the birth of…
Stress Reduction via Long-Term Relationship
Marriage and committed romance reduce stress-related hormone production Being married has often been associated with improving people’s health, but a new study suggests that having that long-term bond also alters hormones in a way that reduces stress. Unmarried people in a committed, romantic relationship show the same reduced responses to stress as do married people.…
The Anxious Brain
Researchers identify brain areas key to inherited anxiety disorder When a child encounters strangers, it is normal for him to freeze and be quiet for a few moments. When that child’s reaction lasts too long or he is too apprehensive, he may have a disorder known as anxious temperament, a risk factor for depression or…
Stress and Fertility
Stress May Affect Chances of Getting Pregnant There is now scientific evidence to back up the widely held belief that stress can interfere with fertility. Women in a newly published study were less likely to conceive when they exhibited higher levels of a stress-related enzyme known as alpha-amylase. (WebMD)
Heritable Anxiety?
The Makings of an Anxious Temperament In the new study, published in the 12 August issue of Nature, Kalin and colleagues studied 238 young rhesus monkeys from a family of more than 1500 lab-raised monkeys with well-documented pedigrees. By analyzing the family connections among the young monkeys, which ranged from siblings to distant cousins, the researchers found…
Smoking and Stress
The Claim: Smoking Relieves Stress Studies have found…that in reality, lighting up has the opposite effect, causing long-term stress levels to rise, not fall. For those dependent on smoking, the only stress it relieves is the withdrawal between cigarettes. (New York Times)